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"Logged in" Members will see the following items on every RootsChat page.
("Guests" will not see all these items.)

Top of page:

Forum Unread / Replies

On the left, after your name, you will see two links:

1) [Unread Posts] :
Shows a list of any new topics, or any topics that have been replied to, since you were last logged in.
2) [New Replies] :
If you reply to any topic, or post a new topic yourself, then anytime anybody replies to this topic, it will appear in this list, regardless of whether or not the reply was meant specifically for you.

At the bottom of each RootsChat page, in the left-hand column, you will see the following links:

Your RootsChat
The RootsChat Copyright Policy
About Us:
About RootsChat
Terms of Use:
Terms and Conditions of Use for RootsChat.

Your Tools
Surname Interests:
A table of surnames, which RootsChat members are researching.
Add your names here, too.
Reference Library:
The RootsChat Reference Library contains many Lists, Catalogues and Databases,
which can help you in your research.
Shrink Link:
A possibility for shrinking long URLS, which would otherwise "stretch" the screen.